Stena Drilling Launches Inaugural Work Experience Programme in Guyana

On Monday, August 12, 2024, Stena Drilling (Guyana) proudly launched its first-ever Work Experience Programme in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. Four students, chosen from Queens College and Bygeval Secondary School through their schools' Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes, were selected to participate in this initiative.

The selected students – Rovin Lall, Brandon Ramdin, Ganesh Kellawan, and Narsingh Deokisson – embarked on a two-week immersive journey, gaining insight into both the theoretical and practical aspects of the oil and gas industry. The programme featured field trips to Stena Drilling’s service partners, meetings with the Rig Manager of the Stena Carron, and interactions with the onshore team. The students were assessed on their understanding following various training sessions and presentations.

At the end of the programme on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, the students shared their reflections and gratitude for the unique opportunity provided by Stena Drilling:

  • Rovin Lall from Queens College expressed, “The time with the team has been nothing but enjoyable, and I would recommend this programme to anyone interested in the oil and gas industry. I especially enjoyed the practical exercises and would love to see more of them in future programmes.”
  • Brandon Ramdin of Queens College commented, “I am immensely grateful to Stena Drilling for the opportunity to immerse myself in the operations within the oil and gas sector. My understanding of the industry has deepened significantly over the course of this programme.”
  • Ganesh Kellawan from Bygeval Secondary School stated, “Participating in Stena Drilling’s programme was a pivotal experience in my career journey. It has solidified my interest in engineering within the offshore sector, confirming the path I want to pursue.”
  • Narsingh Deokisson of Bygeval Secondary School added, “Everyone I met during the programme was welcoming and knowledgeable. I learned a great deal about the industry and its operations, and I would highly recommend this experience to anyone considering a career in the field.”

Stena Drilling remains committed to fostering local talent and providing opportunities for young individuals to explore careers in the energy sector. This programme marks the beginning of many such initiatives aimed at nurturing the next generation of industry professionals.


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